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About The Team



Is e Catharine an t-ainm a th’ orm agus tha mi nam neach-slànachaidh, tidsear spioradail, coidse, neach-comhairle

agus Sianal Angelic.  

Tha mi cuideachd nam bhean, agus nam mhàthair gu math pròiseil do thriùir bhalach a tha gu math sunndach agus

fuireach ann an Wisconsin.

Mar neach-slànachaidh, tha mi an seo gus do chuideachadh le bhith a’ slànachadh gu lùthmhor agus gu spioradail

le còmhnadh an Diadhachd a tha daonnan maille ruinn.

Mar Thidsear Spioradail, Coidse agus Mentor tha mi cuideachd an seo gus èisteachd riut ma tha

faireachdainn gu bheil feum agad air fosgladh mu do bheatha agus mu chùisean sam bith a tha agad nad bheatha

beatha.  Cuideachd mar choidse is urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh le bhith faighinn a-mach a’ bheatha a tha thu

airson a bhith beò agus a bhith ann airson do stiùireadh agus do bhrosnachadh.

Tha mi nam choidse beatha le teisteanas, Neach-dreuchd Angel dearbhte (TM), Reiki le teisteanas

Maighstir agus buinidh e do Chomann Eadar-nàiseanta Luchd-dreuchd Aingeal agus

a’ Bhuidheann Reiki Eadar-nàiseanta


Hello sweet souls.


My name is Annette, and I am a Sound Therapy and Sound Healing Accredited Practitioner, a Gentle Yoga Instructor, and a Guided Meditation Instructor.


As a trauma survivor, anxiety had a grip on me through fear, pain, and worry. I’ve learned to process memories--along with feelings of anxiousness--and transcend to a place of calm, acceptance, and peace.


What I like about sound healing is that you aren’t required to share or analyze your story. Instead, you allow the sound therapy sessions to transform you to a place of inner healing.  


Is your life busy or chaotic?

Maybe you feel on edge or overwhelmed.

Get grounded through Sound Therapy. Sound Baths are known to free, liberate, heal, reduce tension in the body, calm the anxious mind, bring inner calmness, and promote well-being.

Interestingly, Yoga has the capacity to provide some of the same results. It’s no wonder Sound Baths and Yoga sessions are often offered interchangeably. The ultimate goal is to balance body, mind, and spirit.


In addition to offering sound baths, I also offer Gentle Yoga.


This is not advanced or challenging yoga. It is intended for the beginner, the mature demographic, and/or those with physical limitations/injuries, etc.


I invite you to join me on this journey.

Start with just Yoga or just Sound Healing if you like. Get comfortable. Then, consider taking a leap into the other and discover how you can achieve an improved state of mind and become more in tune with your body, mind and spirit.

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